Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Slacking Off

Since my last entry, I haven't really done much. I've done the daily things that need doing, but nothing that has made a difference, and it notices.

My OH said the other night, "have you noticed how much happier we have been since the house has been tidier?" and it's true - it's amazing the difference it can make.

Tonight I am getting back on track, and will add the 5 minute declutter into my routine.

Last night my OH and I blitzed the kitchen - our son's highchair has been looking a bit suspicious for a while so we pulled it apart, de-skanked it and washed all the straps - it looks as good as new. I also took all the toys that were overspilling the downstairs-toy-box upstairs, where they are now overspilling, but that's a whole 'nother issue! While the highchair was out it gave me a good opportunity to scrape down the walls... its amazing the places Weetabix can find itself, and how solid it is!?

Anyway, the kitchen looks fab and uncluttered. All we need now is to get the new table and chairs and we're halfway there woohoo!

The room of choice for my 5-minute declutter is the living room. There is so much to go through in that room, and I think that might be why I didn't make the effort with getting it done last week. Hey ho, it's only 5 minutes. Wish me luck!

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