Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Baby Step 1 - Shine Your Sink

To start with, Flylady sends you a list of things to be done each day which will take no more than 15 minutes. There are 31 'baby steps' to get you going and understanding the plan. The first baby step is to shine your sink. Not just with a cloth and a bit of water, but the Flylady way.

My sink before:
My sink after:

Pretty shiny huh?! The hard part is going to be tea-towelling it after every time we run water in it. Not sure if my other half will be able to keep that up!

I also managed to finally pack away the steriliser that's been sitting next to the sink, unused, for a good few months. I'm feeling positive and glad I decided to do this.

Disclaimer: The kitchen was not decorated by us, but the previous owners, and is in no way a reflection of our taste!!

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